Skintecture Skincare News
How do I get rid of Milia safely?
Milia is a skin condition which are those small bumps seen like whiteheads and often yellow or white in colour. These are cysts which can form in clusters around the face, eyelids, cheeks, forehead and genital area and cannot be squeezed.
How to get rid of blackheads and reduce their appearance
Got deep blackheads, especially on your nose, then check out our tips to help you remedy this. So what are blackheads exactly? Blackheads, otherw... -
How good is Microdermabrasion for your skin & how does it work?
Microdermabrasion helps to exfoliate surface layers of skin using fine crystals or diamond-studded tips to rub the skin surface and vacuum suction to remove dead skin cells.
Is LED light therapy good for Rosacea & redness?
Skintecture's LED Light Therapy Mask treatments for Rosacea help promote collagen production and renew skin cells, making it ideal for targeting inflammation and focusing on controlling the condition's signs.